
FXStreet presents:
The Joel Kruger Project

The exclusive one-to-one FX course.

The Joel Kruger Project

The Joel Kruger Project is an exclusive 5-week, one-to-one course that will allow you to become a successful trader.
Train your brain
Master your mindset!
Joel Kruger will guide you and help you become the trader you want to be. You will learn about strategy, to mastering your mindset and breaking down what’s been holding you back from your trading dreams.
Weekly meetings!
During weekly meetings via video conference yourself and Joel Kruger will work with you to expanding your understanding of trading and markets, while reviewing your progress from the previous week.
Trade easily
Monitored trading!
Over the course of the project, your trading account will be connected to an application that will allow Joel Kruger to monitor your trading, while ensuring you are no longer able to make those mistakes that have been holding you back.

Only 12 vacancies opened!


Joel Kruger is a former currency strategist turned full-time trader with over 15 years experience in foreign exchange markets. Joel analyzes and trades markets with a niche blended techno-fundamental approach. Joel was recognized by MarketWatch as one of 50 market professionals investors should watch in 2019.

In Joel Kruger’s words!

“One of the most critical and innovative components of the project is the trading component. None of this will work if you can’t trade for yourself. And none of this will work if you continue to trade for yourself the way you have been.The key to all of this is showing you how you will be able to trade for yourself in an effective manner.”

An example:

“Elite athletes use coaches to compete at the highest level and that’s exactly what I’m going to do for your trading.”

In order for this application to be effective, it is imperative you are completely honest and answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

The questionnaire is a product of my own personal struggles.

Joel Kruger

Is this course for you?

You will get the most out of this project if you:

Have a tendency to lose control of emotions and trade recklessly

Motivation to be a long-term, successful trader

Basic/intermediate understanding of forex trading

Questions & Answers

What if I want to join?

Should you be accepted, the cost of your seat in The Joel Kruger Project is $5,000USD Now by a limited time $2,999USD, payable within 7 days from the close of applications.

Should you have any questions, please email Mr Kruger directly at: jkproject@fxstreet.com